Event Date:
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - 9:30am to 5:00pm
Event Location:
- Henley Hall/Virtual
Event Contact:
Ms. Anna Theogarajan at academic-coordinator@pstat.ucsb.edu or Professor Gareth W. Peters at garethpeters@ucsb.edu
Since 2010, UC Santa Barbara has established itself as a leader in actuarial education on the US West Coast and offers a thriving B.S. program in Actuarial Science, as well as a five-year combined BS/MS program with a team research component. UC Santa Barbara was recently re-awarded the designation of Center of Excellence from the Society of Actuaries. As of December 2021, the United States has 228 official actuarial science programs, only 19 of which were recognized as centers of excellence. UC Santa Barbara has the largest Actuarial Science program in California and is the only Center of Excellence in California that incorporates actuarial education and research.
The Duncan Chair in Actuarial Science Research Day event will celebrate the significant contribution that Professors Ian Duncan (Ph.D., FSA, FIA, FCIA, FCA, CSPA, MAAA) and Janet Duncan (FSA, FCAS, MAAA) have made in establishing the Duncan Chair of Actuarial Science in the Department of Statistics and Applied Probability at UC Santa Barbara. This is the first Endowed Chair in the history of the department and one that will strengthen the already excellent reputation that the Actuarial program at UC Santa Barbara holds in the profession for its quality education and research. Professor Gareth W. Peters will give the endowed Duncan Chair presentation.
Both Professors Ian Duncan and Janet Duncan have been instrumental in developing the Actuarial program at UC Santa Barbara and this event will showcase research initiatives from the department in the areas of Risk and Insurance modelling to highlight the significant activity being undertaken in the department in actuarial and risk modelling.
If you have any further questions please contact either Ms. Anna Theogarajan at academic-coordinator@pstat.ucsb.edu or Professor Gareth W. Peters at garethpeters@ucsb.edu
September 14, 2022 - 10:27pm