Email Page

Checking e-mail, making calendar appointments or subscribing to lists via web:

The University uses a Connect/Google service for email, calendaring and groups (lists) for department communications and planning; you can check your mail at

Remember to use your UCSBNetID credentials when logging into your "Google Workspace" account.

For more information about configuring webmail; including forward, vacation, and spam settings, visit this page.

Password Change/Reset:

Click here

Selecting a secure password helps protect your privacy and security. At minimum it is required a password length between 12 and 16 characters, and a mix of upper case letters, lower case letters, special characters, and digits.  
Here are a few recommendations:
  • Include similar looking characters, such as the number zero for the letter 'O' or '$' for the letter 'S'
  • Include phonetic replacements, such as 'Luv2Laf' for 'LovetoLaugh'
  • Don't use a password that contains personal information (name, birth date, etc.)
  • Don't use words or acronyms that can be found in a dictionary
  • Don't use keyboard patterns (asdf) or sequential numbers (1234)
  • Don't use repeating characters (aa11)
  • Never tell your password to anyone (this includes significant others, roommates, parrots, etc.)
  • Never write your password down
  • Never send your password by email
  • Periodically test your current password and change it to a new one

E-mail Lists 
Mailing list includes all Statistics Department faculty, staff and graduate students. 
Mailing list includes all Statistics Department graduate students.

To subscribe or unsubscribe to the mailing lists, send a request to

Virus Protection

All incoming and outgoing mails are scanned for viruses. Additional Anti-virus programs are free through the UCSB site-license of Sophos Anti-Virus and Malware. If your interested in having Sophos installed on your system please click here.

Spam Protection

All incoming mails are scanned for spam-like content. If an email is found to be spam, it is placed in your “Spam” folder for your review.

If you need help, please email at