pul.control {unknown}R Documentation

Control Values for puldet and pulest


The values supplied in the function call replace the defaults and a list with all possible arguments is returned. The returned list is used as the control argument to the puldet or pulestthe function.


pul.control(maxIter= 100, pnlsMaxIter=5, msMaxIter=10, 
         tolerance=10e-3, pnlsTol=10e-3, msTol=10e-3, gradHess=TRUE, 
         apVar=TRUE, returnObject=TRUE, msVerbose=FALSE, spar="v", 
         TOLr=10e-3, nlsMaxIter=5, minScale=0.01, nlsTol=0.01, 
         limnla=c(-3,1), IDF=1.2)


spar method for selecting the smoothing parameter in the estimation of the baseline function. spar="v" for GCV (default) and spar="m" for GML.
limnla a vector of length one or two, specifying a search range for log10(n*lambda), where lambda is the smoothing parameter and n is the sample size. If it is a single value, the smoothing parameter will be fixed at this value. Default is c(-10, 3).
TOLr tolerance level of the GCV or GML scores for the iteration between the baseline estimation and estimation of the pulsatile part.
IDF Inflated degree of freedom due to the selection process. Default is 1.2.
trace a logic value which indicates whether the selection procedure should be printed out.
others Other arguments are used for either nlme or gnls control. Refer to the manual of nlme and gnls in the NLME package for their definitions.


a list with names ssr, pul, gnls, and nlme. ssr is a list with names method and limnla. pul is a list with names TOLr, IDF and trace. gnls and nlme contains control parameters for the gnls and nlme functions.


Yu-Chieh Yang, Anna Liu, Yuedong Wang


Pinheiro, J. and Bates, D. M. (2000), Mixed-effects Models in S and S-plus, Springer, New York.

Yang, Y. (2002), Detecting Change Points and Hormone Pulses Using Partial Spline Models, Ph.D. Thesis, University of California-Santa Barbara, Dept. of Statistics and Applied Probability.

Yang, Y. and Liu, A. and Wang, Y., (2004), Detecting Pulsatile Hormone Secretions Using Nonlinear Mixed Effects Partial Spline Models. Available at www.pstat.ucsb.edu/faculty/yuedong/research.

Wang, Y. and Ke, C. (2002), ASSIST: A Suite of S-plus functions Implementing Spline smoothing Techniques. Available at cran.us.r-project.org/src/contrib/PACKAGES.html. Manual for the ASSIST package is available at www.pstat.ucsb.edu/faculty/yuedong/software.


# change IDF=1 when there is no selection and
# decrease the maximum number iterations    
pul.control(maxIter= 30, IDF=1.2)

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