UCSB    Yuedong Wang 
5E Home 
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  PSTAT 5E -- Course Information



How to do well in the class: Statistics is a problem-solving subject. Practice in problem solving, and completing and understanding the assigned reading and homeworks are essential to success on the exams. Suggestions for success in the class:  

  • Attend all lectures. I will not "read from the book" and you will not necessarily find the examples from lecture in the textbook.
  • Attend all discussion sections where quizzes are given.
  • Take all quizzes and exams.
  • Do the reading before attending lecture.
  • Do the homework. Do your own work. You may discuss problems with classmates, but don't copy from them. They won't be able to help you when you are writing your exam! Compare homework answers with solutions posted on the web sites.
  • Study and practice solving problems before taking quizzes and exams.
  • Spend 10-15 hours each week.


Where to get help


Disabled Students: If you are a student requiring special accommodations, please bring a letter of verification from the Disabled Students Program (DSP) to the instructor at the beginning of the quarter.


Rules for the classroom:

  • ARRIVING LATE FOR CLASS: You are expected to make every effort to come to class and arrive before the start of the lecture. If you do arrive at the classroom after the lecture has begun, please enter the room through the back door as quietly as possible and sit in one of the closest available seats. 
  • LEAVING EARLY FROM CLASS: If situations arise where you need to leave class early, please sit at one of the seats near the back door at the beginning of lecture. When you leave, please do so as quietly as possible.
  • CONVERSATIONS WITH FRIENDS: You are welcome to talk with friends before and after lecture, but not during the lecture. Personal conversations during class creates a disruptive learning environment for your fellow classmates who all paying a great deal in time and money to learn the material presented in this class. Courtesy is required. Students who disregard this rule will be asked to leave the classroom.
  • CELL PHONES AND PAGERS: Cell phones and pagers are not appropriate in the classroom. Please turn off all ringing cell phones and pagers before the beginning of lecture. If you have a "vibrator" option on your cell phone or pager, it is OK to leave it on, but plan on answering any call after class is over.


Procedures if you suspect your work has been graded incorrectly: Every effort will be made to mark your work accurately. You should be credited with all the points you've worked hard to earn! However, sometimes grading mistakes happen. If you believe that an error has been made on your exam, return the exam to the TA immediately, stating your claim in writing. Your TA will then pass the script to me and I will re-grade the entire paper. Please note that grades can go down as well as up or remain the same. Under no circumstances will a midterm paper that has been taken away from class be re-marked.


Academic Dishonesty: The penalty for the first offense of academic misconduct in this class will be a score of “0” on the exam or quiz.  The second offense will result in a failing grade in the course and may result in a referral to the academic judiciary.   There will be several versions of each examination. The most humiliating way to be caught cheating is to copy the correct answer from another form of the exam! An overview about academic dishonesty can be found at http://www.hep.ucsb.edu/people/hnn/conduct/disq.html