Research Interests

Environmental Statistics, Space-Time Estimation, Functional Data Analysis

Selected Publications/Technical Reports

  1. "Oscillations and Time Trends in Stratospheric Ozone Levels: A Functional Data Analysis Approach", Journal of the American Statistical Association, by Wendy Meiring, 2007, 102: 788-802.
  2. "Testing Generalized Linear Models Using Smoothing Spline Methods", by Anna Liu, Wendy Meiring and Yuedong Wang (2005), Statistica Sinica, 15 (1): 235-256. This publication is a revised version of Technical Report Number 388, Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, UCSB, June 2003 [ ] [ techreport388.2003.pdf ]
  3. 2004. Contribution to Discussion of K. Berhane, W.J. Gauderman, D.O. Stram, and D.C. Thomas: ``Statistical Issues in Studies of the Long-Term Effects of Air Pollution: The Southern California Children's Health Study'' {Statistical Science} 19 (3): 434-438 (references on pages 447-449)
  4. "Nonstationarity in R-n is second-order stationarity in R-2n", by Olivier Perrin and Wendy Meiring (2003), Journal of Applied Probability, 40 (3): 815-820.
  5. "Identifiability for non-stationary spatial structure", by Olivier Perrin and Wendy Meiring (1999), Journal of Applied Probability, 36:1244-1250.
  6. "Space-time estimation of grid-cell hourly ozone levels for assessment of a deterministic model", by Wendy Meiring, Peter Guttorp and Paul D. Sampson (1998), Environmental and Ecological Statistics 5: 197-222.
  7. "A space-time analysis of ground-level ozone data", by Peter Guttorp, Wendy Meiring and Paul D. Sampson (1994), Environmetrics 5: 241-254.
Updated June 2005. Any question or difficulties can be addressed to Wendy Meiring.
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